Configuring Zabbix monitoring


In this tutorial we’ll present EFThub features that help to set up a monitoring using the Zabbix platform.

The first step to follow is that we want to setup the application to communicate with a monitoring solution, in this instance we are going to demonstrate this using the Zabbix plugin. The first thing to do is set up your computer so that Zabbix can access it:

mkdir –p /usr/lib/zabbix

cp /usr/lib/zabbix #This file is provided by EFTlab

vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf


# Server=

and replace it with the IP of your Zabbix server e.g.

Server=<Fill here Zabbix server IP address>

Now find

# ListenPort=10050

and replace it with the port Zabbix will listen e.g.


Now find

# LoadModulePath=${libdir}/modules

and replace it with the path to where is placed e.g.


Now find

# LoadModule=

and replace it with:


sudo service zabbix-agent restart

Now having configured the agent we need to enable it to receive some data. Add a new component:

Label: Zabbix Server

Class: bp::eftlab::node::ipc::ZabbixServer

Now we need to add the matching external monitoring endpoint to send it out; go back to add a new component with the following settings:

Label: External Monitoring

Class: bp::eftlab::node::monitoring::ExternalMonitoring

Now add a Zabbix Endpoint:

Now Save; we now need to set it to passive mode (i.e. uncheck the active flag) and enable it:

Now click Save again. Finally Download Config File; you should upload this into Zabbix.


In this tutorial, we went through a part of the current functionality for EFTlab’s EFThub.